Friday, April 25, 2008

First Post

My name is Conor. I like to study environmental issues in the world. I also like studying astronomy, geology, and health problems. In sixth grade, my teacher presented me with a problem based learning project that inspired me to study enviromental issues. I was to find a problem on our planet, and try to fix it. I choose to try to ban leaf blowers in my state of Arizona. After researching the topic heavily, I made a science board listing facts about the damage leaf blowers do to our environment. Did you know that 1 leaf blower releases 17 cars worth of smog in 1 hour? I also made a petition trying ban leaf blowers. 203 people signed my petition. Then, I sent it to gov Janet Napolitano. In the legistation, there was a clean air bill trying to be ratified. What good timing! Janet Napolitano passed the bill, and also banned leaf blowers in it as well. She sent me a copy of the bill and an autographed poster she signed of Arizona! In 7th grade, I won our school's science fair for inventing a pair of gloves that would help carpel tunnel syndrome sufferers type. I also made a flyer about the dangers of UV radiation, and how people could prevent those dangers. Other accomplishments were making a 26 page travel guide which I will post to this website later this year. Next, I plan to make a flyer stating the benefits of using solar energy for homes.


Anonymous said...

Hi, Conor,
Your blog is awesome! I'm so glad you're tackling environmental issues and helping to increase awareness of these important topics. Keep up the good work!!

Anonymous said...

HI conor!!!
i love your blog and how you are spreading awareness to other people about the enviornment issues.

molly lamountain said...

Wow good for you with the leaf blower project! Goes to show one person truly can make a difference!

My son is in 7th grade, I should ask him if he'd like to create a blog of his own.